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JP Morgan CEO lauds PM Modi for doing unbelievable job in India

Porni Banerjee | ২৪ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ১৮ : ৩০

Jamie Dimon, CEO of US banking firm JP Morgan Chase & Co Jamie Dimon praised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his extraordinary leadership in bringing major transformations in India.

Speaking at an event, Dimon lauded the reforms initiated in the recent past during the Modi regime and said, “Modi has done an unbelievable job in India…
He has taken 400 million people out of poverty. We go and lecture Modi when they want to trade with us… he has 400 million people without toilets. We are lecturing them how to do things,” adding that “He’s taken 400 million people out of poverty.”

The CEO of the US bank further said that India has got an outstanding education system. “They are lifting up the whole country because this one man is just and he is tough. I think you have to be tough to break that,” Dimon said.

“They have 29 states or something like that… and the tax system is complicated… it’s like Europe. It leads to enormous corruption. He is breaking it down… And so yeah there are these people who have turned things around,” Dimon noted as he highlighted about Modi’s contribution in breaking down the age-old bureaucratic system, further stressing on the necessity of a similar approach in the US. 

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