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বিদেশ | Shortest marriage ever! Kuwait couple divorces within three minutes after wedding

Porni Banerjee | ২৩ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৩ : ৫২Porni Banerjee

In what has been recorded as the shortest marriage ever, a couple from Kuwait called off their matrimony in just three minutes after the groom allegedly insulted the bride.

The man mocked and called his wife ‘stupid’ for tripping over after their wedding’s formal ceremony concluded while making an exit from the courthouse.

Furious on hearing this, the wife asked the judge to annul their marriage immediately. The judge agreed to issue an annulment in just three minutes after their marriage, making it the shortest marriage in the history of the United Kingdom.

The incident took place in 2019 and is now doing rounds on social media. The video has ignited multiple discussions on contemporary relationships and marriage.

The woman was praised by a section of people on X for taking such a bold decision instantly. “I went to a wedding where the groom spent his speech making fun of his wife like it was some kind of roast, as did her father. She should have done what this woman did,” a person wrote on X.   

Another user wrote, “A marriage with no respect is a failed one right from the beginning.” Whereas a third one added, “If this is how he acts right at the beginning, it"s better to leave him.”

Lauding the woman’s decision over ending her marriage, another one commented, “If this is how he acts right at the beginning, it"s better to leave him.”


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