শুক্রবার ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

খেলা | Irfan Pathan reveals wife’s face on 8th wedding anniversary for first time

Porni Banerjee | ০৪ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৪ ০৮ : ১৬Porni Banerjee

It’s been eight years since ex Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan tied the knot with popular model Safa Baig and now the former has treated us with a sweet surprise. To mark their eighth wedding anniversary today, Pathan shared a picture on his IG handle that revealed the complete face of his spouse.

Safa Baig looked absolutely stunning in her full-face photo where she is seen wearing a beige-hued embroidered suit paired with a dupatta and completed her look with minimal makeup. On the other hand, Irfan looked dapper in a blue-hued kurta-pyjama

He also penned a heartfelt note for his darling wife as he shared the picture saying, “Infinite roles mastered by one soul - mood booster, comedian, troublemaker, and the constant companion, friend, and mother of my children. In this beautiful journey, I cherish you as my wife. Happy 8th my love.”

Irfan Pathan was criticised earlier for keeping the face of his wife hidden despite sharing pictures with her on social media. However, the former athlete revealing her face on their special day swooned everyone’s hearts.

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নানান খবর

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