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দেশ | 13 “illegal” coaching centres in Delhi sealed after 3 IAS students die in basement flooding

Porni Banerjee | ২৯ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৩ : ২৩Porni Banerjee

The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has sealed 13 illegal coaching centres in Delhi’s Old Rajinder Nagar that were found to violate rules. The incident developed after three IAS students were killed in heavy rain-induced flooding at the basement of Rau’s IAS Study Circle.

The coaching centres that were sealed were IAS Gurukul, Chahal Academy, Plutus Academy, Sai Trading, IAS Setu, Topper’s Academy, Dainik Samvad, Civils Daily IAS, Career Power, 99 Notes, Vidya Guru, Guidance IAS, and Easy for IAS.

A team from MCD conducted raid at several coaching centres in the area on Sunday and sealed those that were found to be running commercial activities in Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi added.

“These coaching centres were found to be operating in basements in violation of rules and they were sealed on the spot and notices were pasted,” an order by MCD Mayor Shaili Oberoi said.

Oberoi also added that strictest action will be taken against any officers from the civic body if they are found to be responsible behind the tragic incident of Rau’s IAS Study Circle. “If any official is found guilty, the strongest possible action will be taken against them,” she said in a statement earlier.  

The Rau’s IAS Study Circle has already been sealed by the police following the incident and arrested the owner and coordinator of the centre on Sunday. Police also arrested the basement owner and an individual who drove a vehicle that appears to have damaged the gate of the study building.

The students who were killed in the tragic incident were identified as Shreya Yadav (25) of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh, Tanya Soni (25) from Telangana and Nevin Delvin (24) from Ernakulam in Kerala, police said.


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