মঙ্গলবার ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | Delhi study center death case: Police arrest basement owner among 5 more; total 7 held

Porni Banerjee | ২৯ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১১ : ৪৮Porni Banerjee

Delhi Police arrested five more people, including the basement owner on Monday in connection with the deaths of three civil service aspirants who drowned due to flooding in the basement of Rau’s IAS Study Circle in Old Rajinder Nagar on Saturday.

An individual who drove a vehicle that appears to have damaged the gate of the study building has been caught. The police have also arrested on Sunday the owner Abhishek Gupta and the coordinator Deshpal Singh of the coaching centre and booked them for culpable homicide and other charges. A Delhi court sent both of them to 14-day judicial custody on Sunday. This brings the total number of arrests to seven.

“Whoever is at fault in this incident will not be spared. We are taking strict action against those responsible for the incident and maintaining law and order in the area,” said Deputy Commissioner of Police M Harshavardhan.

A police official said that more than 35 people, including students and coaching center staff got stuck after water started gushing in the basement following heavy rainfall on Saturday.

The students who were killed in the tragic incident were identified as Shreya Yadav (25) of Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh, Tanya Soni (25) from Telangana and Nevin Delvin (24) from Ernakulam in Kerala, police said.


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