বুধবার ১১ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪
সম্পূর্ণ খবর
Porni Banerjee | ২৪ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৭ : ২০Porni Banerjee
It was nothing less of a horrifying experience for a retired school principal from Madhya Pradesh’s Khargone who found four dentures inside a chocolate she received at a kid’s birthday party.
Mayadevi Gupta consumed the chocolate days after receiving it and was shocked to discover the set of teeth inside the chocolate made by a famous brand.
“I got a coffee-flavoured chocolate of a popular brand. After eating the chocolate, I felt something like a crunchy piece of chocolate. But, when I tried to chew it once again, I felt it to be very hard. When I took it out, I was shocked to see it was a set of four false teeth,” the teacher said in a statement.
The woman works at an NGO at Khargone and birthday celebrations are a common practice there. On one such occasion, Mayadevi received the chocolate from a student.
Following the incident, Gupta lodged a complaint with food and drug department of the district. In response, the officials collected samples of the chocolate from the shop from where it was purchased and sent them for lab testing. An investigation is currently underway.
In a similar such incident, a dead mouse was found in Hershey’s chocolate syrup that was ordered from a quick e-commerce platform. Three members of a family consumed the contaminated syrup before discovering the dead creature and one of them had to undergo a medical examination.
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