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লাইফস্টাইল | 5 adorable signs your dog considers you its mother

Porni Banerjee | ২৭ জুন ২০২৪ ১৬ : ০১Porni Banerjee

Only a person having a pet dog at home will understand the unconditional love their four-legged companions shower on them. Canines running towards their humans with their wagging tail and licking face is a pure bliss. And its nothing uncommon that dogs can view their owners as a maternal figure – informally termed as pawrent. They may exhibit signs of attachment similar to the way children bond with their parents.

Here are five clear indications to understand your dog considers you its mother:

Eye contact – Your furry baby gazing at you for a prolonged time can be their way of developing strong bond and strong emotional connection with you.

Sleeping near you - If your dog loves sleeping near you, you have won his heart. That’s their way of displaying love and affection.

Following you – Does your furry companion goes wherever you go? If so, you are his dog mom. They may want to be with you all or most of the time if they view you as a maternal figure.

Licking – If your dog is loves licking on your face, let them do so. This is because your dog is happy to see you and showcases how much they love you.

Bring you their favourite toys – Often notice your doggo bringing you their favourite toy? That’s a heartwarming display of their way of showering trust and affection. So next time your canine baby brings you their toys, play with them and build deeper emotional connection. 

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