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বিদেশ | America’s oldest woman turns 115, offers advice on long and happy life

Porni Banerjee | ২৮ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৭ : ৫৬Porni Banerjee

The oldest person in America, named Elizabeth Francis, celebrated her birthday as she turned 115 on Thursday and shared a slice of advice with all regarding the way to live a long and a happy life.

Currently residing in Houston, Elizabeth has witnessed major events such as World War I, Great Depression to the sinking of the Titanic.

Speaking to Washington Post, the 115-year-old Elizabeth, dubbed as ‘America’s grandmother offered a tip on longevity saying, “Speak your mind and don"t hold your tongue.”

“We all know that we have to punch that [final] ticket someday, so we"re amazed and grateful that she"s still here. She"s surprised us all,” Elizabeth’s 69-year-old granddaughter, Ethel Harrison said separately.

“They enjoy sitting next to each other to laugh and watch old episodes of ‘Good Times’ and ‘The Jeffersons’ on television. They also love watching ‘The Price is Right.’ They both feel lucky and blessed to be together so late in life,” her granddaughter added. 

Notably, Elizabeth was crowned the country’s oldest living person in February after the previous longevity record holder, Edie Ceccarelli, died a few weeks after her 116th birthday in California. 

Born in Louisiana’s St Mary Parish in 1909, Elizabeth raised her daughter as a single mother who is now aged 95. She ran a coffee shop in Houston and preferred walking over driving. 


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