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বিদেশ | 550 Hajj pilgrims die due to severe heatwave

Porni Banerjee | ১৯ জুন ২০২৪ ১৪ : ০১Porni Banerjee

At least 550 pilgrims, on their way to Mecca for Hajj, died on Tuesday owing to extreme heatwave, Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic sources confirmed.

Temperature at Mecca’s Grand Mosque shot up to 51.8 degrees Celsius on Monday. Those succumbed to the brutal heatwave included 323 Egyptian pilgrims, along with at least 60 Jordanians and 5 Iranians.

However, Saudi Arabia’s health ministry denied any deaths related to heat stress this year. Jameel Abualenain, a health ministry official, cited various pre-existing illnesses and comorbidities to be the primary cause of multiple deaths.

“Let’s look at the population of the Hajj, the number of "hajjies" (pilgrims) and their different comorbidities and the risky population, the elderly and those "hajji" (pilgrims) some of them have different comorbidities, different illnesses and different compliance with the medication to start with,” he said.

Last year, at least 240 pilgrim deaths were reported by various countries, primarily Indonesians.   

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