শনিবার ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | PM Modi, other ministers take oath in 18th Lok Sabha session

Porni Banerjee | ২৪ জুন ২০২৪ ১৩ : ৩০Porni Banerjee

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other ministers who are part of the Council of Ministers took oath as the Member of Parliament for the third time since the Lok Sabha elections as the inaugural session of the Parliament also kicked off today (June 24). 

The 264th session of the Rajya Sabha will also begin on June 27 and the joint session will conclude on July 3. Whereas, the monsoon session will commence on July 22.

The Lok Sabha session began with President Droupadi Murmu at the Rashtrapati Bhawan administering the swearing-in to BJP’s Bhartruhari Mahtab as the Speaker, followed by PM Modi’s oath taking and other newly elected MPs.

Meanwhile, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kiren Rijiju welcomed the newly elected ministers saying that, “The First Session of 18th Lok Sabha begins today, the 24th June, 2024. I welcome all the new elected hon’ble members. I shall be always available to assist the members as Minister of Parliamentary Affairs. I"m positively looking forward for co-ordination to run the house.”

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নানান খবর

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রবিবার অনলাইন

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06 24