বুধবার ০৫ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৫
সম্পূর্ণ খবর
Porni Banerjee | ১৯ জুন ২০২৪ ১৫ : ৩৩Porni Banerjee
An investigation committee will be formed to determine what caused the iconic Hollong Bungalow in Dooars catch fire last night, said Praveen Kashwan, District Forest Officer of Jaldapara National Park.
The committee includes Chief Forest officer, DFO, Forest Ranger of the bungalow area, among others who will sit for talks at the Salt Lake Forest Department office on Wednesday afternoon. The team may also visit the site on Thursday if found necessary.
A huge fire broke out at Hollong Bungalow, under West Bengal Tourism Development Corporation (WBTDC) in the state’s Jaldapara National Park at Alipurduar district on Tuesday at 9 pm, leaving the entire bungalow into ashes. Initial assumption suggested the reason behind the fire was short circuit.
Fire brigade from Falakata and Hasimara reached Hollong at 10:10 pm. However, the bungalow reduced to ashes despite their efforts.
No deaths or injuries from the fire were reported as tourists have been barred from entering any forest bungalows within all the national parks and forests of north Bengal since June 16. Any threat to the wildlife species has also not been reported yet.
A retreat for tourists and many ministers, the Hollong Bungalow was located 5-7 kms inside the forest and consisted of five spacious double bedrooms. Guests could unwind themselves from their mundane lives and enjoy wildlife and serenity of the nature amidst the woods.
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