শুক্রবার ২০ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

দেশ | Arvind Kejriwal to surrender on June 2, says he has signs of serious disease

Porni Banerjee | ৩১ মে ২০২৪ ১৫ : ৪৯Porni Banerjee

Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that he will surrender before the police on June 2 (Sunday) and return to Tihar Jail in connection with the now-scrapped the Delhi excise policy scam. Kejriwal was granted interim bail by the Apex Court on May 10 to campaign of the ongoing Lok Sabha Elections 2024. Meanwhile, his doctors said that he has recently shown signs of serious diseases.

The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief added that he has to undergo a series of medical tests to make sure of the presence of any possible severe diseases and also urged Delhi residents to take care of his family.

Expressing his pride to save the country from dictatorship, Kejriwal said, “The Supreme Court had given me 21 days to campaign for the elections. The day after tomorrow I will go back to Tihar Jail. I don"t know how long these people will keep me in jail this time. But my spirits are high. I am proud that I am going to jail to save the country from dictatorship.”

The AAP leader also said that his health constantly deteriorated after being jailed and lost nearly ten percent of his body weight.

“When I went to jail, my weight was 70 kg, today it is 64 kg. Even after being released from jail, I am not gaining weight. Doctors are saying that this can also be a sign of some serious disease in the body. Many tests need to be done,” said Kejriwal.

Kejriwal also assured that his efforts to strive towards the development of the national capital will continue even from jail despite harassment from the opposition.

“Your free electricity, mohalla clinics, hospitals, free medicines, treatment, 24-hour electricity and many other things will continue. After returning, we will also start giving Rs 1,000 every month to every mother and sister of Delhi,” he added.

Kejriwal was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on March 21 from his Delhi residence after questioning in connection with the money laundering liquor policy case.

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05 24