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Fire in Vietnam apartment kills 14, injures 3

Porni Banerjee | ২৪ মে ২০২৪ ১৩ : ০৮

An apartment building in Vietnam’s capital city Hanoi that caught huge fire, killed at least 14 people and injured three on Friday at 12:30 am, police informed.

The fire created a thick flame of toxic gas and smoke that emitted out of the building in Cau Giay district, a populated area in Vietnam and homes several universities.  

Soon after, firefighters rushed to the spot and trapped seven people trapped inside the five-story building, the Ministry of Public Security said, adding that an investigation on what exactly caused the fire to break out is underway.

Another fire incident in an apartment complex developed in September last year, which killed at least 56 people and injured 37.

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