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বিনোদন | Taapsee Pannu says she’s started enjoying life beyond profession, first wedding images go viral

Porni Banerjee | ০৪ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ১৭ : ১৯Porni Banerjee

One of our favourite Bollywood stars Taapsee Pannu has just gotten married to Danish Badminton player Mathias Boe and she is on cloud nine post her hush-hush wedding. In a recent interview - the first one after her marriage – the Dunki actress said that she has begun learning to enjoy life beyond her profession.

“At this point, I feel my professional choices are largely driven by the value of my time. I want to be sure if taking up a certain project is worth my time because I want to enjoy life beyond work. The second factor is relevance. I would love to cherish my filmography years from now. So, I don’t want to invest time in something that will not stand the test of time,” Taapsee said.
Talking about her preference of enjoying life, Taapsee added, “There will always be people around you who have more or less than you, and in the hustle to reach the top, we forget that there is no ‘top’. I’ve realised it is better to start enjoying life beyond my profession. I’m okay with not becoming the biggest thing ever, but I want to make sure I live happily every day of my life. You are not as significant as you think you are in your head.”

Meanwhile, the wedding images and videos of Taapsee and Mathias surfaced online on Wednesday that offer delightful glimpses from their wedding festivities to the fans worldwide. From the videos, one can easily understand how happily Taapsee embraced the new journey of her life and that she wanted to kick start her married life with her long-time boyfriend on a positive note.

In a revealed footage, the 36-year-old actress is seen adorned in a striking vermilion ensemble, embellished with red chooda and traditional kaleere, and making her best-ever bridal entry with a big smile on her face. She is accompanied by her sister Shagun Pannu and other close friends. The couple was also seen exchanging garlands amidst cheers, oodles of joy and laughter. They tied the knot in March in Udaipur in the presence of family members, close relatives and friends. 

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