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World celebrates Radio Day today, Know its significance and history

Porni Banerjee | ১৩ ফেব্রুয়ারী ২০২৪ ১৩ : ১৮

In order to highlight the pivotal role played by radio as a powerful medium, UNESCO established World Radio Day to be observed on February 13 every year.
Invented in 1895 by Italian physicist named Guglielmo Marcon, radio is a cost-effective medium of communication that is intended to spread knowledge and valuable information to every corner of a society, including the remote communities and vulnerable population as well.

Radio continues to remain one of the oldest modes of communication even today since World War I that has connected people belonging to remote areas as well as tribal and tribal communities where communication is a challenge.

Radio became one of the most crucial forms of communication in the 20th century that revolutionized people’s way of thinking and living. In the contemporary world, radio broadcasting is an important source of news, entertainment education and other vital information. 

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