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বিনোদন | New mom Richa Chadha and baby girl pose with Bollywood ‘masis’ Dia Mirza, Shabana Azmi, among others

Porni Banerjee | ২৯ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৭ : ৩৭Porni Banerjee

Richa Chadha is at present celebrating the joy of motherhood as she and her husband Ali Fazal welcomed a baby girl on July 16 this year. While the couple has earlier shared a few glimpses of their angel, now a picture of the new mom with her daughter has been shared by Shabana Azmi along with other Bollywood actresses.

The picture that Shabana shared on her Instagram account showed Bollywood ‘masis’, including Dia Mirza, Tanvi Azmi, Urmila Matondkar all smiles with Richa and her new born. Richa was seen sitting comfortably with her baby on her lap wrapped with a soft blanket. The baby’s face was however hidden with an emoji.

“With the khala / Masis of the new mum and baby,” Shabana captioned the image.

Reacting to the post, Dia Mirza wrote in the comment section, “One of the best days of our lives.” 

Multiple fans also poured in their love and best wishes after seeing the picture. While one user called the picture “Adorable,” another wrote, “A beautiful portrait!!”

On July 20, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal broke the news of welcoming their baby girl to the world and shared a photo on Instagram which showed the baby’s feet. The duo also penned a heartfelt note, stating, “Doing a collab post to announce the biggest collab of our lives!! We’ve been blessed indeed. Our baby girl continues to keep us very, very busy. So Thank you all for your love and blessings.”


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সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া

07 24