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বিদেশ | Moment of pride! PM Modi receives warm welcome as Austrian Choir sings Vande Mataram

Porni Banerjee | ১০ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৪ : ৪৩Porni Banerjee

Prime Minister Narendra Modi received a heartwarming welcome by several musicians in Austria as they sung ‘Vande Mataram’ upon his arrival in the European country on Tuesday.

The artists have called it a “phenomenal experience” and a big honour for the orchestra and Austria to perform in front of the Indian Prime Minister.

Ibrahim, an Austrian artist from the choir and orchestra, said that they had been rehearsing for the past few days and performing for Prime Minister Narendra Modi was a “huge opportunity” for them.

“It was a phenomenal experience. I really enjoyed it. It"s a big honour for me. It"s a huge honour. I did prepare quite a lot. With the orchestra, we prepared for a few days. But, also at home, I had to really give my best because this is a huge opportunity for Austria, for us, for our orchestra. It was an amazing experience,” he said.

Sharing his experience about the musical performance, PM Modi said on X, “Austria is known for its vibrant musical culture. I got a glimpse of it thanks to this amazing rendition of Vande Mataram!”

The choir comprised a group of violinists and singers and was guided by the musician Vijay Upadhyay, who hails from Uttar Pradesh. He is currently directing the music department at Vienna University. A total of 50 members performed in front of PM Modi. 

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