রবিবার ০৮ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০২৪

সম্পূর্ণ খবর

বিদেশ | In Russia, PM Modi pledges to boost strength and speed threefold in third term

Porni Banerjee | ০৯ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৬ : ০৮Porni Banerjee

In his first visit to Russia since its invasion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday that he would work threefold to enhance speed and strength during his third consecutive term.

The prime minister also emphasised the government’s aim to push India to make it the world’s third largest economy in the third term.

“The government’s goal is to make India the third-largest economy in the world in the third term,” PM Modi said.

PM Modi also spoke about the robust relationship that India and Russia share with each other.

“This relationship is built on the strong foundation of Mutual Trust and Mutual Respect,” PM Modi said.

“I am happy that India and Russia are working shoulder-to-shoulder to give new energy to global prosperity. All of you present here are giving new heights to the relations between India and Russia. You have contributed to Russian society with your hard work and honesty,” he added.

Narendra Modi began his two-day journey to Russia on Monday to strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. He also held summit talks with President Vladimir Putin.

PM Modi is scheduled to leave for Austria’s Vienna, which will the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister in a European country in 41 years after Indira Gandhi in 1983. 


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