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দেশ | SC directs Centre to frame model policy on menstrual leaves

Porni Banerjee | ০৮ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৯ : ১৪Porni Banerjee

The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre and the states to design a model policy on mandatory menstrual leaves for female students and working women across India.

A bench comprising Chief Justice DY Chandrachud made the statement while refusing to entertain the plea seeking for menstrual leave for women, adding that it was a matter of the government to frame a model policy on the same.

The bench also highlighted that granting menstrual leaves could yield counterproductive results to women as several companies may not chose to employ them.

“How will the leave encourage more women to be part of the workforce, the court asked the petitioner and said mandating such leave will lead to women ‘being shunned from the workforce’...we do not want that,” the bench said.

The bench also permitted lawyer Rakesh Khanna, appearing for petitioner and lawyer Shailendra Tripathi to move the secretary of the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Additional Solicitor General Aishwarya Bhati.

The apex body made an appeal the secretary of the ministry of women and child development to look into the matter after discussing with stakeholders if any model policy can be framed. The court, earlier in February, had rejected the plea on granting menstrual leaves for the same reason.

Despite absence of menstrual leaves, several companies such as Zomato, Bjyus, Swiggy, Magzter among others offers menstrual leaves to its employees, according to a News18 report.

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