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সম্পূর্ণ খবর

Rahul Gandhi meets families of Hathras victims, assures to raise issue in Parliament

Porni Banerjee | ০৫ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১১ : ০৩

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi visited Uttar Pradesh’s Hathras earlier this week and met the family members of the victims of the stampede that killed 121 people during a religious event.

Gandhi, after interacting with the families, said, “I don’t want to say this from a political prism, but there have been deficiencies on the part of the administration and the important thing is that maximum compensation should be given as they are poor families. I request Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to provide compensation open-heartedly.” He also assured them that the tragic issue will be raised in the Parliament.

The Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday arrested six people, including two women and four men, who were all the members of the satsang organizing committee.

In addition, the police have announced a Rs 1 lakh reward on the arrest of the main accused, identified as Prakash Madhukar. The police are actively seeking for a Non-Bailable Warrant from the court for Madhukar’s arrest.

The police arrested Ram Ladaite (50), Upendra Singh Yadav (62), Megh Singh (61), Mukesh Kumar (38), and women Manju Yadav (30) and Manju Devi (40) in connection with this case.

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