সোমবার ১৪ অক্টোবর ২০২৪
সম্পূর্ণ খবর
Porni Banerjee | ০৩ জুলাই ২০২৪ ১৭ : ০৭Porni Banerjee
After artificial colours and traces of cancer-causing elements were found in pani puri samples across several eateries in Karnataka, the state’s Health Minister Dinesh Gundu Rao has assured that stringent action will be taken keeping in mind public safety.
To ensure public health, the ministry will hold a meeting to raise awareness about the hygienic practices that should be maintained while cooking among the makers of food.
“More analysis is being done on this, and after the test report, the health department will take appropriate action. At the same time, the public should take special care of their health and refrain from consuming food items that affect our health. Great importance should be given to cleanliness and hygiene,” Rao said.
Earlier, reports highlighted that that of the 260 samples collected, artificial colours and traces of carcinogenic elements - that cause cancer - were found in 41 samples of pani puri. The other 18 samples were found to be unfit for human consumption.
During testing, pani puris were found to have the presence of artificial colours like brilliant blue, sunset yellow and tartrazine that can pose serious health hazards to humans.
The Karnataka government had earlier put a ban on food colouring agent Rhodamine-B, which is widely used in Gobi Manchurian and cotton candies, following which the state’s health minister instructed the implementation of appropriate step against sellers who are found to use such chemicals.
In February, the Tamil Nadu government also imposed a ban on the sale and consumption of cotton candy after harmful chemical Rhodamine—B and textile dye were found in it.
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