রবিবার ০৭ জুলাই ২০২৪

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1 dead, 6 injured after Delhi airport roof collapses amid heavy rains

Porni Banerjee | ২৮ জুন ২০২৪ ১০ : ৪৩

At least one person died and six others survived injuries after a portion of a roof of Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport at Terminal 1 collapsed amid heavy rainfall on early Friday, Delhi Fire Services (DFS) officials said.

The injured people have been taken to Medanta Hospital near the airport, of which One succumbed during treatment. 

All operations at Terminal 1 have been suspended for a while following the collapse, Civil Aviation Minister K Rammohan Naidu said, adding that alternate arrangements have been made to ensure smooth operations of flights.

Officials informed that at least 16 departure flights and 12 arrival flights have been cancelled so far post the incidence.

"Heavy rain in early morning today has resulted in the collapse of the canopy of Delhi Airport Terminal 1. As a result of which flights to & from Terminal 1 have been closed till further notice. Alternate arrangements are being made for smooth operation of the flights," the Aviation ministry wrote on X.

The incident took place today at 5:30 am and four fire tenders were deployed to the spot to take care of the emergency.

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