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বিদেশ | Remembering Charlie Chaplin on his 135th birthday today

Porni Banerjee | ১৬ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ১৩ : ১১Porni Banerjee

World renowned Charlie Chaplin, also known as Charles Spencer Chaplin turns 135 on his birthday today. Chaplin, popular as a comic actor, filmmaker and composer, shot to fame for his impressive screen persona in the era of silent film, eventually becoming a global icon and one of the most prominent figures in the film industry in the 20th century.

During his livelihood of poverty and hardships in the absence of his father, Charlie began touring music halls and later started working as a stage actor and comedian, which eventually took him to the United States. Charlie’s extraordinary performances as an artist garnered him a huge fanbase and soon became world’s best-known personalities.

While Chaplin won numerous hearts worldwide, very few people know about his friendship with the greatest minds of his time – Sir Albert Einstein. The two stalwarts met each other in America when Einstein was invited to deliver his lecture at the California Institute of Technology. The duo spent a gala time with each other over lunch as well.

Chaplin was a writer, producer, director, editor and starred in most of his own films. His stupendous performances enabled him to receive an Honorary Academy Award for “the incalculable effect he has had in making motion pictures the art form of this century” in 1972. Some of his films that are still considered in the highest rank include The Gold RushCity LightsModern Times, and The Great Dictator.

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