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বিনোদন | Sushmita Sen opens up about wedding plans, being friends with exes

Porni Banerjee | ০৫ এপ্রিল ২০২৪ ১৭ : ২৭Porni Banerjee

Sushmita Sen has recently won numerous hearts with her extraordinary performances in Aarya and Taali. And her popularity for her acting prowess doesn’t only stop here. She often makes headlines for her personal life as well. Be it suffering a heart attack, or her relationship with ex Lalit Modi or her ‘on-again’ ‘off-again’ boyfriend Rohman Shawl, Sushmita’s life has been just like an open book.

In a recent interview, the actress has discussed about when she will marry and maintaining amicable relationships with her former partners.

Talking about her plans for marriage, the ‘Main Hoon Na’ actress said, “It has never been a ‘never’ situation. Be it the biological clock or the right time provided by social conditioning, neither is the right reason to get married. But if the person is right and ticks all the boxes as far as I am concerned, of course, I will get married.”

On being asked if one can maintain friendship with their exes, she added, “Definitely. But I think it’s hard and confusing. Many people can be friends with their exes and not know where to draw the line or have boundaries. But it’s possible because I have seen it happen, and I am blessed to have it in my life as well.”

She even went vocal about how she dealt with heartbreaks after calling it quits with Lalit Modi, Rohman Shawl and others and described her life as an ‘open book’.  “My life has definitely been an open book because I have lived it very honestly, and sometimes fearlessly. But having said that, dignity is something that doesn’t just show up in one aspect of your life — it is who you are. So, all the decisions you take, whether they hurt you, whether you are betrayed, or whether you were at fault, don’t matter.”

Sushmita was also earlier in a relationship with Randeep Hooda from 2004 to 2006 and reported to have dated businessman and IPL founder Lalit Modi in 2022. While Sushmita parted her ways with Rohman Shawl from 2018 to 2021, the duo is speculated to have reconciled now.  

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